Microsoft Windows (x64)
This version contains a modified GZDoom package that will ONLY detect Square. Good for most end-users and gamers. If you're not sure what version to download, this is probably one of them.
Unzip it to a directory that you have permission to write to, and run SQUARE.EXE (or set up a shortcut to it).
MacOS/OSX (Intel, Version 10.9+)
This version contains a modified GZDoom package that will ONLY detect Square. Good for most end-users and gamers. If you're not sure what version to download, this is probably one of them.
Open the DMG, and drag the app package into the Applications link to install.
Additional information is in the Docs folder in the DMG.
ZDoom PK3 (for experts)
This version contains the main asset file only. Runs as an IWAD/IPK3 that GZDoom 4.1.3 and recent Git builds of GZDoom can detect. This is for people that "know what they're doing" and use the bleeding edge, Git Build versions of GZDoom, or the ones that run under other OSes and architectures like Linux, ARM v7, and so forth.
We do not support running this with another IWAD as though this were a Doom Modification!
This contains the Map Development Kit for use with popular Doom map editors, as well as some notes.